Monday, 30 April 2012

promotional offer

Well, the weather is picking up (for some of us), the holidays are looming.... So if anyone wants a light romantic read I'm running a promotional offer on my first ebook.

PROMOTION: Use this code:PV89Q up until 30th May to get 50% off

His To Command

Fiction » Romance » Adult
By Jayne Sykes
Rating: 1 star1 star1 star1 star1 star
(5.00 based on 1 review)

Published: Jan. 06, 2012
Words: 53647 (approximate)
Language: English

[add to library]


When Rebecca Marsh and Alessio Di Bernardo meet at their siblings funeral, the attraction is instant and mutual. But when Alessio reappears in her life it is for revenge, not love. Believing that Rebecca's late sister defrauded his family, he demands repayment. To do that, Rebecca must marry him. And to keep her sister's secret safe, Rebecca knows she has no choice.

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Breathe....and relax!

Well, I have to say it's been a pretty intense week. However, all the stress and tantrums have been worth it (unless you ask hubby!). Anyway, I'm getting some pretty good feedback about my Site so thanks to all of you who have visited so far. It really does make me feel like part of a wider community, and that I'm doing something worthwhile.

Now, it's time to apply the BOCHOK method and head back to my manuscript. I'm currently in the middle of editing a full length romance novel that I'm hoping to publish a little later this year. I'm also working on an anthology of erotic short stories featuring Eleanor, the "Fantasy Girl", who has a few fantasies of her own.

Now that the Website is up and running, Stan (our new cat) is finally settled, and the weather is still pretty poor, there are no excuses!

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Here it is!

Well, it's here. After much deliberation and tweaking, I have finally gone live with my Website. I'm pretty new to all this, but I'm hoping that there is something on it that everyone will like. I hope so, because sorting out the DNS pointing and all the techno stuff drove me nuts.

Anyway, I can let out a huge sigh of relief now, and refocus on my latest manuscript. The edit has taken a bit of a back burner whilst I've been sorting the Website out.

So, if you want to take a peek please do so, and I'm happy to receive any feedback-critical or good.
Here's the link:


Friday, 20 April 2012

Stan The Man... (well, cat actually!)

Having lost our little fur baby, Tigger, suddenly in March, wedecided that we didn't want another pet. It was just too soul destroying. However, a couple of weeks ago, a friend asked if we could adopt a stray that they had taken in. I wasn't keen, but when I met him I just couldn't resist. As you can see, Stan is rather cute.

Now, anyone who as ever got a new pet (or been "got" by a cat), knows that they are very territorial and like to assert their presence, usually by spraying or clawing. Not this lil fella.  Oh no. Out of the travel box and straight up onto the sofa! Make yourself at home!!

He will never replace Tigger, but he is adorable.And on a lighter note.... I'd forgotten how I never used to have a lie in at the weekend. "Feed me", "feed me" meows are very loud...even when you have your head under the duvet!

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Getting sorted!

Of course, now that I have set up a blog I have to think of something interesting to say!!! Hmmm...
I suppose I could chat aboutthe weather, being a true Brit and all....Glad it's wet and miserable. No excuse for not applying the BOCHOk method and getting stuck into my manuscript.

Woohoo! I'm published

I've finally done it! 2012 is the year I finally took the step to publish my first ebook. The link is below.