Sunday, 14 April 2013

New Ventures & BOCHOK

After the emotional few weeks that I have had, I have to say that my Muse has often struggled to come forth and inspire. However, over the last few days I have found glimpses of inspirational light. Okay, so I am trying not to look at the numerous projects that I currently have on the go and haven't looked at for a while & I'm seriously applying the BOCHOK method to get me back into the writing habit.

However, I have re-discovered the joy of writing poetry. Years ago, (well, Millenia actually if you go back to my school days), I dabbled in writing a few pieces of verse. They weren't brilliant, but they helped kick start my brain. This is not to say that poetry is any less difficult to write than a full length novel. It isn't, well not to me anyway.  But it was quite exhilarating to write in a different style.

I read an article a few days ago that said that drawing is a good way of helping with the writing process. It works differently for different people. I believe that the writing process is a personal, unique experience, not least because everyone has different methods, styles etc.  But trying a different art form or style is a good way of inspiring you. Let's face it, I bet we have all, at some time or another, sat and simply stared at our current project and wondered when it's going to shine.

Well, do what I did and try something different.  I am even thinking of putting together a poetry anthology.

Try it!

The next time you are sitting looking at your manuscript and cursing or wondering why you have only written ten words and crossed out 200.... grab a piece of paper and a pen and scribble a few poetic lines.

And just as proof that it works, I am bravely going to show you the first poem. It is still a work in progress, but I quite like it was certainly caffeine for my Muse.

Let me know what you think!

Eyes wander, hands twitch,
Pick up pencil, study light.
Curve of spine, breathing hitch,
Scratch of pencil, black on white.

Smooth as marble, skin that shines,
Image captured forever more.
Inspiration and intellect entwines,
A picture projected from minds store.

The artist works, his muse looks on.
His model waits, her pose so still.
A classic study, bright light casts upon
A masterpiece created - The page does fill.

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