Sunday, 9 December 2012

Jingle Bells and Winter Blues!

Tis the season to be jolly......

Yep, those words are reverberating around my head as I type.
It's not that I'm actually feeling jolly - far from it. However,  the cold weather does give you an excuse to stay indoors and write...or not.

I don't know about you, but this time of year certainly makes me feel sluggish. Perhaps it has something to do with the lack of light? I don't know. What I do know, is that the period up to Christmas always seems to fill my writing days with lethargy.

Yes, the tree is up and, miraculously, Stan the Cat has yet to dismantle it, the presents are wrapped and the cards are posted. However, my writing days seem to be getting shorter and shorter.

So, here's a question...

How do you beat the Winter blues? Or do you feel invigorated by the sound of bells and the sight of falling snow?

So far this week I have written two short stories for upcoming competitions whilst my latest erotic anthology sits on my desk crying out to be whipped by the red pen and my notebooks keep beckoning me to take a peak at hastily scribbled ideas.

Maybe I will sit back and relax and get Christmas out of the way. It could boost my energy. Or maybe I should knock back an egg nog and force myself to pick up that pen or turn on my pc?

Do you ever have days when you have to force yourself  to write? Let me know how you combat writing fatigue?

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