Saturday, 29 December 2012

A Happy & Fruitful New Year

Well, 2012 certainly flew by!

There were quite a few ups and downs for me during these last twelve months, but the biggest ups definitely involved my writing as I took the plunge into the self publishing e-market, learned out to format books, how to blog and a whole host of other things that can only improve my existence as a neurotic writer.

So, as this year draws to a close, it's time to look ahead to the coming months.

What plans do you have for 2013?

I don't make resolutions, primarily because they always end up being broken. Instead, I make goals. For example, I am currently in the middle of editting an anthology of 10 erotic short stories with the aim of publishing them some time in the coming months. I have a few ideas for short stories to submit to magazines and competitions, and I have a host of other projects that are jotted down on paper or are flying around my head.

I am also thinking about making changes to my website.

All exciting stuff. Watch this space. Next time, there will be a sample of my upcoming project for you to taste.

So, all that's left for this last blog of 2012, is to wish you a very Happy New Year and a very fruitful, productive New Year!

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Seasons Greetings & Heartfelt Thanks!

Well, I'm going to keep this post short and sweet.
It's been a busy week getting all the final preparations organised for Christmas. Yes, I admit, I am a bit of a grinch and this isn't my favourite time of year. I hate trailing around the shops trying to find suitable presents, even though I enjoy giving. I hate the mad rushes and the cold......
However, it has been a tremendous year for me. It has had a lot of downs but there have been many ups too, not least of which where my writing is concerned.
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I am going to say that I did most of the work. After all, I was the one who put pen to paper, fingers to keyboard, and there were times when it became something of a chore. But this lil ol' me is also gracious enough to admit that I couldn't have done it without the love and support of all those around me - family, friends, fans & critics alike. It is down to you all that I have the encouragement to persevere.
So this Blog post is simply going to say this:

I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
And if this seems a little too sentimental, well heck, I guess it's that time of year!

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Little Men & Hairy Feet

Yay! It's here! The long awaited first installment of The Hobbit!

I have to say, I am not entirely convinced that this story really requires a three film venture and the cynic in me thinks it is something of a money spinning ploy because, let's face it, fans are going to go to all three. I know I will be.

I remember reading The Hobbit at school and fell in love with Bilbo Baggins and his friends. I have revisited the story many times since and, although it was originally written for children, it is a fantastic tale with many sub plots and adult themes. Of course, I'm not going to discuss them. It's for you to make your own mind up.

And if that wasn't enough excitement, January sees the release of the new Les Miserables film with a whole cast of well known faces singing their hearts out, not least of which is the delectable Hugh Jackman.

Of course, that means that I have been scurrying up to the attic to dig out my copies of the books so that I can prepare myself. This earns a scowl from hubby who really can't understand why I would want to re read a book again and again when I buy about 500 new ones a year! Hmmm...

This invariably means that my writing has taking a backseat yet again, my lethargy aided by a cold that started at the beginning of the week and is still lingering. I blame it on my flu jab, which I had the previous week, still nothing to be done.

I will be taking a journey to Hobbiton and beyond on Tuesday, what more inspiration could I need?

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Jingle Bells and Winter Blues!

Tis the season to be jolly......

Yep, those words are reverberating around my head as I type.
It's not that I'm actually feeling jolly - far from it. However,  the cold weather does give you an excuse to stay indoors and write...or not.

I don't know about you, but this time of year certainly makes me feel sluggish. Perhaps it has something to do with the lack of light? I don't know. What I do know, is that the period up to Christmas always seems to fill my writing days with lethargy.

Yes, the tree is up and, miraculously, Stan the Cat has yet to dismantle it, the presents are wrapped and the cards are posted. However, my writing days seem to be getting shorter and shorter.

So, here's a question...

How do you beat the Winter blues? Or do you feel invigorated by the sound of bells and the sight of falling snow?

So far this week I have written two short stories for upcoming competitions whilst my latest erotic anthology sits on my desk crying out to be whipped by the red pen and my notebooks keep beckoning me to take a peak at hastily scribbled ideas.

Maybe I will sit back and relax and get Christmas out of the way. It could boost my energy. Or maybe I should knock back an egg nog and force myself to pick up that pen or turn on my pc?

Do you ever have days when you have to force yourself  to write? Let me know how you combat writing fatigue?

Saturday, 1 December 2012

New Book Release

As you know, I usually blog on Sundays, as that's my least busiest day. However, as today sees the release of my latest ebook I thought it only fair to share this, especially as I am excited and ready to shout it from the rooftops.

I am fortunate enough to have a hubby who supports me in every way when it comes to my writing. He quietly appears with cups, make that mugs, of caffeine when I am shut away in my study. He patiently endures my screams of frustration when my muse decides to take the morning off...and he is especially talented when it comes to sorting out most of my techno problems or needs.

As you can see, he has put together this little trailer to give you an idea of what my book is about:

Let me know what you think.  If you liked the trailer and it has whet your appetite to find out more, then please feel free to visit the Smashwords page:

I have to say, when I published my other books I definitely wasn't as social media savvy. Or perhaps I just wasn't as switched on? In any case, I have made more of an effort with this one, helped by having a little more experience and experimenting.

For me, writing isn't about the money. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to sniff at any earnings (small or large). However, the buzz I get from knowing that my work is out there and people might (hopefully) enjoy my work is just phenomenal, and deeply satisfying.
