Well, the first thing I should say is a Happy Easter to one and all!
The second is that it is good to be back!
For any of you who follow me, you will have noticed that I haven't been blogging for a wee while. I'm not going to bore you with all the details but, briefly, I have been having personal problems and just haven't had the time, energy or inclination to put pen to paper.
However, as the days have past I am slowly finding my muse again. Things still aren't easy, far from it, but I am finding that losing myself in writing, if only for half an hour each day, is quite cathartic. It is also a means to release a lot of emotion.
I have even started dabbling in poetry again. I haven't written any since leaving school but over the last few weeks I have scribbled a few verses. I'm no Sylvia Plath but I have found it an enjoyable experience and am even thinking of writing an anthology. Watch this space!
So, tell me, do you find writing helps during bad times? Do you find it soothing to escape into an imaginary world for a bit or do you, like I did in the beginning, struggle to find your muse? I would be interested to know.
And so, as a welcome back and Easter treat, I am offering discount on my two novels.
His Jilted Bride and His To Command are now available at half price until the end of April. Click on the link below and put in the coupon codes to obtain your discount.
His Jilted Bride - Coupon code - UA49P
His To Command - Coupon Code - PL27S
Happy egg hunting!!